Roland's Notes

Brevard Music Group

February UpdatE

Central Florida live music fans – Happy February 2015!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to write a full update. From a successful NYE 2015, to my visit to Great Lakes, IL., for my son’s graduation from Navy Boot Camp, to an amazing Florida Smooth Jazz Weekend at the end of last month, I’ve been 100% on the go, as has The Brevard Music Group.

To those of you who attended the sold out Tommy Dorsey Orchestra concert, the Jazz Weekend, and those who’ve purchased tickets to our upcoming concerts – I thank you so, so much for your support. I am very grateful for it, and I assure you, it is never taken for granted.

JAZZ WEEKEND NEWS – Cathy Powers and I were so pleased by the wonderful support we received from our five musical stars, from the Crowne Plaza management and staff, from my staff, and from the many local jazz enthusiasts as well as those who traveled from states like Michigan, Maine, the Carolinas and many other, to enjoy an amazing weekend of jazz at the Crowne Plaza. The weekend turned out so well we are planning on a Jazz Weekend 2016! More news about Jazz Weekend 2016 coming soon….

 BLACK OAK ARKANSAS @ Lou’s Blues – This Multi-Platinum selling group performs at Lou’s on Sunday, March 8 at 7 pm. The group’s original vocalist, Jim “Dandy” Mangrum and guitarist Ricky Lee Reynolds still heads the group today. At $15 for an advanced general admission ticket this concert is a must see for southern rock & 60s-70s rock fans. To buy BOA tickets log on to or visit Lou’s Blues nightclub. You are also always welcome to call me at 321-783-9004.

SATISFACTION – A Rolling Stones Tribute @ the King Center: This is the 3rd time BMG has brought this excellent Stones tribute to Brevard. If you enjoy the CAL series at the King Center, consider this concert CAL with attitude! They sound like The Stones, plus they put on a great stage show. This is an Orchestra only concert – no balcony seating at this time- a bit of an experiment for Steve Janicki and yours truly. Expect to see more main theater, Orchestra only concerts in the future. To get your Satisfaction tickets, call the King Center box office at 321-242-2219 or log on to

JUST CONFIRMED – The King Of British Rock – JOHN MAYALL @ The King Center, Friday, May 15th.  John Mayall and his Bluesbreakers included artists such as Eric Clapton, Peter Green & Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac), Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones) amongst many others. At 81 this may be John Mayall’s last tour – one not to be missed! Tickets go on sale Friday, March 6th at BMG and the King Center. This is another Orchestra only concert. Get your tickets early to be assured great seats.

APRIL CONCERTS – BMG has four great concerts in April. From the unique musical rainbow of the CALIFORNIA GUITAR TRIO & MONTREAL GUITAR TRIO, to the legendary surf music guitarist, DICK DALE, the hard driving blues guitars & vocals of SAMANTHA FISH & TAB BENOIT, and the contemporary jazz stylings of ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - I hope you will consider buying tickets and helping our efforts to bring the best in national talent to the beautiful beaches of Brevard County.  

To learn more about our April concerts log on to

An important note about ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY @ the King Center’s Studio Theatre, April 26 – This show is down to less than 80 seats. It’s sold out the last 3 times, so buy your tickets soon. To purchase your tickets call me at 321-783-9004 or log on to

WE CHERISH OUR INDEPENDENCE – As a small business, BMG doesn’t have the financing to compete with large national concert promoting conglomerates like Clear Channel and AEG Live. But I hope our 21 year history speaks to the important contributions small, independent businesses make to their home economies and cultural health. Please do what you can to patronize and support our local small businesses, we are the fuel that keeps America’s wheels turning.

OUR FOOD DRIVE CONTINUES – A quick reminder that $1 from every Dick Dale, Samantha Fish & Tab Benoit ticket sold by BMG goes to buy food items to help Brevard’s less fortunate. In February BMG donated $350 worth of non-perishable food & personal hygiene items to the St. Vincent De Paul food bank in Indialantic. All food donations stay local. We are also asking ticket holders for these two concerts to bring a food item to the concerts. If you wish to contribute to our food drive, monetarily or with items, please email me at, or call me at 321-783-9004. Please help us help the less fortunate.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this update. I’d enjoy hearing from you. Please feel free to email me your thoughts about our shows, or just say hello. It may take me a little while, but I will reply to every email. Thank you again for your friendship and support!


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