The King Center's Studio Theater

Initmate Concert Series



The Sentimental Gentleman of Swing

The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

Sunday, March 6, 2016 – 3 pm

Produced by

The Brevard Music Group


Maxwell C. King Center For The Arts 
3865 N. Wickham Rd
Melbourne, FL 32935

Ticket Prices: 

Rows A-K $43             Rows L-R $39
(Prices inclusive of handling fees)

Platinum Club On Sale:
Weds Dec 16 @ noon

Public On Sale:
Fri Dec 18 @ noon

Tickets Available At:
Brevard Music Group

Tickets Also Available At:

The Sentimental Gentleman of Swing

About The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

In Big Band history, the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra is recognized as one of the best all-around dance bands. It could swing with the best of them, and no other band could come close to Tommy’s when it came to playing ballads. Tommy Dorsey, “The Sentimental Gentleman of Swing”, was a master at creating warm, sentimental, and always musical moods – at superb dancing and listening tempos. The music world lost Tommy at an early age, but his legacy of great music has transcended time. The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra repertoire continues to entertain audiences of all ages throughout the world and represents explosive and swinging Big Band entertainment at its best. A great show to see in the intimate setting of the Studio Theatre at the King Center for the Performing Arts!